Grand Hilton Memorial Agreement

Proposal Seminar The Green Hilton Agreement September 2012: The following November, Soekarno and Kennedy met in Geneva at the Green Hilton, Indonesian President Sukharno and President John F. Kennedy entered into secret agreements on Indonesian gold leasing as part of what some see as a long-term Kennedy plan to restructure U.S. currency and finance, where they signed the Hilton Green Agreement on November 14, 1963. Sukarno should provide tons of silver and gold to support the U.S. dollar. The URI at TrackBack is this entry: The main story really began in 1921, when Japanese Emperor Hirohito visited Europe. It was the first visit of a Japanese emperor in history. The visit was much more than a public relations tour, although it was presented to the public. He was there to participate in a new pact between nations, known as the Tripartite Trilateral Pact (TTT). The Green Hilton Memorial Agreement was an agreement between America, represented by John F.

Kennedy, and Indonesia, represented by Sukarno, and a representative of Switzerland William Vouker. In the agreement, the United States agreed to recognize that Indonesia`s gold wealth was 57,000 tonnes of gold. We should also add that Kennedy had decided not to escalate the war in Vietnam, and if she had lived, America would not have been stuck in that war over the next decade. His decision, however, caused him to lose the support and protection of the Vatican, because the Vatican had pushed France, then the United States, to protect its interests, to keep Vietnam in its sphere of Catholic influence. Without Vatican protection, the first Catholic president was vulnerable to the wrath of the Federal Reserve. In two weeks, Kennedy was murdered in Dallas. Virtually everyone in the White House believed that the Federal Reserve had given the order to assassinate the president, but they were powerless to do something about it. Nambahin a bit: MoU has no record No, if at least two digits. Most signatures, three signatures, two-person stamps. Many defects – it is not important that WHO has written it, what is important is written (Ragile 2009). Founder #PlanetKenthir. To #Gusdurian.

Born in 1960. English Literature Reading. Gawe Computer and Finance Software. Name: Agil Abdullah Albatati (Engkong Ragile). FB: Agil Abd Albatati. Twitter: @KongRagile. Address: Kemang South Jakarta and Tegal Central Java. Ha ha ha…..

luccccuuuuuuuu, which is open source jg ndiri oil agent involved or not …. ha ha ha ha, wonder sj …. doc official or wat, password krn byk nelikung to the east. Open the ny kmbli file….. maen delete. kdding „The Grand Hilton document is still fragmented, the divorce is not quite intact yet, there are 12 more pages. It is an international conspiracy to eliminate it. The documents are genuine and falsified. I do not hold the original, there are (the original) people outfits. I saw the original, but it shouldn`t be photographed,“ Safari said Wednesday (7/5) at Paramadina University in Jakarta. In the wake of the First World War, the TTT was essentially a project to consolidate gold from all nations into one account through a secret global financial system. The argument was that if individual nations held gold, other nations would try to steal it by finding an excuse for a war.

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