Crossword puzzles have been around for over a century, and they continue to be a favorite pastime for many people. But, sometimes, even the most seasoned crossword solver can come across a clue that stumps them.
One of the most helpful tools for solving difficult crossword clues is to look for agreements. When two or more answers intersect at a certain point, they must agree on the letter in that position. This can help narrow down potential answers and lead to solving the entire puzzle.
For example, if a crossword clue is „Watermelon`s exterior,“ and the intersecting word is „UK greeting,“ the answer must have a „U“ in the second letter position. This immediately eliminates potential answers like „apple“ or „banana“ and points to the correct answer, which is „rind.“
Another example of using agreements to solve a crossword puzzle is when there are multiple intersecting words at once. For instance, if a crossword clue is „Famous ancient structure,“ and the intersecting words are „Compass direction“ and „Pronoun for females,“ the answer must agree on three separate letter positions – the second letter, the fifth letter, and the sixth letter. This can greatly narrow down the potential answers and ultimately lead to solving the entire puzzle.
While agreements are a useful tool for solving crossword puzzles, it is important to note that they are not foolproof. Sometimes, answers can still be incorrect, or there may be multiple correct answers that can fit the letter agreements.
In addition, agreements can be more challenging in crossword puzzles that have more complex grids or themes. These types of puzzles may have multiple intersecting words that can agree on various letters, leading to more potential answers and more difficulty in solving the puzzle.
In conclusion, agreements in crossword puzzles can be a helpful tool for solving difficult clues and ultimately completing the puzzle. By focusing on the intersecting letters and narrowing down potential answers, you can increase your chances of success. However, it is important to remember that agreements are not always foolproof and may not always lead to the correct answer.