Privileges And Immunities Agreement

(g) other privileges, immunities and facilities that are not contrary to the foregoing, except that they are not entitled to require exemption from customs duties on imported goods (except in connection with their personal luggage) or from excise duties or turnover taxes. Article 13. The delegations of Member States shall enjoy privileges and immunities to ensure the independent exercise of their functions vis-à-vis the Organization. Consequently, each Member State waives those privileges and immunities in all cases where, at its own discretion, their exercise would impede judicial proceedings and where such a waiver can be made without prejudice to the purposes for which they were granted. (e) enjoy, with regard to exchange opportunities, the same privileges as those accorded to officials of the same rank who are part of the diplomatic missions of the Government concerned; Article 7. Representatives of Member States, members of organs of the Organization, as well as the staff of delegations, shall enjoy the following privileges and immunities in the exercise of their functions and during their journey to and from the place of the meeting: Article 105 of the Charter provides that „the legal status of the inter-American specialized agencies and the privileges and immunities which should be accorded to them, (b) The organization and its organs are free to transfer their funds, gold or currency from one country to another or within a country and to transform any currency they held into another currency. (a) are exempt from any direct tax; it goes without saying that they cannot claim an exemption from taxes which are in fact public service charges; (b) to acquire and sell movable and immovable property; Specialised conferences and specialised organisations shall not fall within the scope of this Agreement. . . .

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