Upon Mutual Agreement Preklad

Note: The reason you leave your job is your unemployment benefits (podpora v nezam-stnanosti). If you advertise it yourself for no serious reason, or if your job ends by mutual agreement (you sign an agreement and no reason is mentioned by the employer), you receive lower benefits in case of unemployment (45% of your average monthly salary). In this case, you can receive assistance from the District Social Security Administration (Okresné spréva soci-ln-ho zabezpe-ena, OSSZ) in the district where your employer is based. The OSSZ can apply to the employer for the identity of the pension insurance and may ask the employer for a fine. If OSSZ does not receive the employer`s form, it can rebuild it and replace it. You are asked to provide documents attesting to the information contained in the personal registers of pension insurance (employment contract, proof of dismissal, proof of salary, confirmation of your income provided by the employer for other purposes – for example. B for social benefits of state social assistance, etc.). 1. Mutual agreement (dohoda) 2. Communication (vepov) 3. Immediate termination of the working relationship (Okam-ité zru-ena pracovneho pom-ru) 4.

The end of employment during the trial period (Zruéena pracovneho poméréru ve zku-ebna lh`te) 5. Severance pay (Odstupné) Are you a foreigner with an employment contract? If that is the case, you are protected by law. Under certain conditions, this protection applies to you even if you work under other conventions: „dohoda o proveden“ prece) or agreement on work activities („dohoda o pracovné innosit“). You need job confirmation if you start a new job with another employer or register with the employment agency. Keep a copy of the confirmation as proof of your career. This document should contain information on whether your work is based on an employment agreement or an agreement, on the length of work, your qualifications, the nature of the work you did, the duration of your work, the information on deductions or seizures of your wages, information as to whether the reason for the termination was a serious fault Etc. If you need information from the employment agency to assess whether you are entitled to unemployment benefit, ask your employer for separate confirmation. Name: jemennem, jmenovity zménit, oslovit ap.by name znet: He would not show it. Nedal von zu na sobé znét. Blow-by-blow By-Wahl-By-Product Drive-by Fly-by Night-Night Lay-by-Passby-Date Sale Watch on the date of use, doing dohodit: inside a stone`s throw, (with) in the spitting distance co of kamenem dohodil The employer should pay your severance pay after your job ends on the nearest pay date. (Comment: If you have a terminated employment contract and are terminated for life, you are entitled to the same severance pay as above.) ubét: It wouldn`t hurt if… Ono von t`neubylo, kdybys…

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