Flexible work will be clarified and protected by the merger of all existing provisions into a specific part of the new agreement. Workers no longer have to work for 12 months before requesting flexible working time arrangements. If the agreement is approved, it will be submitted to the Fair Work Commission for formal approval. As was widely reported at the time of the vote on the VPS contract, workers will receive a pay increase of just over 8% over the four-year term of the contract, as well as related increases in benefits, with the first increases to be paid from 20 March 2020. Article 15 contains a declaration of intent that the VPS agreement must be interpreted as a whole in accordance with the principles of mobility, as well as the express obligation that the parties strive to implement the principles of mobility for the duration of the agreement. Take some time to review the proposed agreement before the vote. The number of grades and the content of the grade scripters vary depending on the public sector organization and the current enterprise agreement. On the basis of the rank of a job, a salary band is applied. This salary category reflects the level of skills and skills required for the job.
Wages applicable to a given role are indicated in the relevant enterprise agreement. Although specific services vary depending on the public sector organization you work in and the enterprise agreements, you can generally expect some benefits. See staff benefits. The community and public sector union and the government have agreed on a package that aims to reward you for your important work, while ensuring that public services can be made more responsive. Since there are more than 1,800 employers in the entire Victorian public sector, there is not a single document that contains information on each level of employment, each wage sector or every job benefit. These will vary depending on the organization of the public sector and the enterprise agreement that covers their employees. For example, the Victorian Public Service Enterprise Agreement 2020 (mentioned above) contains a grade 1 to 7 structure as well as detailed descriptors. You can read them in calendar C of the agreement. Benefits for workers under the new enterprise agreement include annual wage increases, a new mobility premium, higher overtime rates and night work allowances, as well as more parental leave.