Property Management Agreement Rev 133Ef49

The term „gross receipts“ includes all rents and other revenues and taxes resulting from the normal operation of the premises, including, but not limited to, rents, parking fees, laundry receipts, cancelled instalments, pet bills, other charges and deposits, and other income. Gross receipts are not considered to be special charges or supernumerary interest referred to in paragraph 3.2 above on security deposits (from paragraph 3.3) or income from the sale of real estate or payment of fires or other accidental damages and other similar assets. The agent has the right to rent the premises or their parts with magazines, signs, plans, brochures or posters or any other means that the agent deems correct and advised. The agent has the right to install signs on premises that promote rental premises, provided that these signs comply with applicable laws. The costs of this advertisement are paid by the reserve (s) operating account (s). Any advertisement must specify that the agent is the trustee and not the owner of the premises. Advertisements in newspapers that share space with other agent-managed properties are prorated according to the following indications: The actual parentage of the ad dedicated to the owner`s property as well as a share of Allen`s titles and/or signatures. This agreement, including all specified facilities, constitutes the entire agreement between the owner and the representative with respect to the management and operation of the premises and replaces all previous administrative arrangements concluded or/and negotiated between the owner and the representative with respect to the premises covered by this agreement. No amendment to this Agreement is valid unless it is made by a complementary written agreement that has been executed and approved by the owner and agent.

Unless otherwise stated, any modification, supplement or cancellation of this Agreement is unstegred, unless written permission from the owner and agent. Each of the parties to this agreement accepts and accepts that the other party to that party has not justified any guarantees, assurances, alliances or agreements, nor expressly stated here, nor on the basis of any guarantee, guarantee, commitment, or explicit or implied agreement to that party when this agreement is concluded and implemented.

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