The resident is informed of the occupant before moving to another room inside the establishment. In the event that a transfer or termination is required, these measures are taken in accordance with MARWOOD`s non-voluntary transfer/termination policy, which is made available to the resident upon admission. MARWOOD is not responsible or liable for the acts or conduct of physicians, other residents or guests at MARWOOD Facility that may cause bodily injury or property damage to the resident. MARWOOD takes no obligation to diagnose or prescribe RESIDENT`s condition if RESIDENT appoints an independent physician. This is not part of the hospitality agreement, but of an important document that covers the care needs of a single resident. The care plan describes how to provide care to a resident. Ideally, it should be written in consultation with you and family/Whanau so that you can make informed decisions about care. For example, if you have certain nutritional needs or if the family wants to be notified, if you have a fall, this information is recorded in the care plan. If you are not satisfied with the conditions, try negotiating another agreement and modifying the agreement to reflect this. At first, both parties change like any other legal document. For example, you might want to negotiate reduced notice if you think you might move in the future. No fee is charged for the provision of an agreement. This Agreement begins on the day of admission and ends at the earliest with the following event: (a) the termination or departure of the resident from the institution without reasonable expectation of the occupant`s return; (b) death of the resident; or (c) termination in accordance with the terms of this Agreement.
We hereby confirm: that we have read or caused to be read the attached authorization agreement and that we understand it; We had the opportunity to ask questions about the approval contract, which constitutes the entire agreement between the parties; and that we approve the terms of the authorization agreement. Since MARWOOD does not have a physician available on its staff, RESIDENT is responsible for securing the services of a licensed physician in order to care for a resident, as required by law, no later than the time of admission and medically necessary. MARWOOD has the right to see its medical director or resident assistant if the resident`s personal physician does not visit the resident frequently enough to meet the michigan Department of Community Health`s requirements in processing physician visits. The resident`s personal physician or any other physician (in case of emergency) may be called by MARWOOD, whenever MARWOOD deems it necessary in its sole discretion, and the costs incurred are the responsibility of RESIDENT.. . . .